Over 200 students at Iron Station Elementary are enjoying their new playground from Creative Playscapes! The previous wooden playground equipment was not stable and lacked durability, so a fund raiser was established, with a generous donation from Times Oil; the playground was installed for the first day of school.
The Iron Station Elementary playground is designated exclusively for kindergarten through second grade and is located near the new school wing, constructed in 2012. The new addition to the school was the demise of the old wooden play set and established precedence for the more advanced and safer playground.
Numerous fundraisers generated the funds to purchase the equipment from Creative Playscapes, PTA fundraisers, October 2012 Walk-A-Thon, Times Oil, and funds previously obtained through the efforts of the parents and facility.
PTA President, Mark Bartholomew headed the project and was paramount in the actual construction of the site and equipment. The efforts of Mark and others involved in the construction saved the school thousands of dollars and permitted the project to be completed prior to opening day 2013. PTA Vice President Ginger Bartholomew & wife to Mark, commented how the construction took 3 months, with her husband working up to 8:00 pm the night before opening day. Students we obviously ecstatic about the new playground equipment and engulfed the area immediately.
Creative Playscapes is proud to be associated with the Iron Station Elementary School Playground project.
Safety Starts w/ Stability!
Kurt Karriker
Creative Playscapes