I grew up in the country and always had several dogs around. We never had to use a lease or worry about our dogs barking and bothering the neighbors, we couldn’t even see our closest neighbor. Of course this was 40+ years ago and oh how times have changed, these days a walk with your dog encompasses a leash, harness, bottle of dog water, bags for….well you know what, and all sorts of stuff I would have never dreamed of as a child, but since we have domesticated our four legged friends, certain responsibilities come along with it. That’s not a bad thing at all. I like my domesticated best friend much more now than my experience as a child.
25 years ago, if you told me I would be designing and building dog parks in Charlotte, I would have fallen down laughing, but guess what….Here I Am! AND it’s a fun part of our business. Jon loves to design the dog parks. A longtime lover of animals, Jon smiles every time I tell him he gets to create another dog park, he literally smiles from ear to ear. I must admit, Jon does a heck of a job designing and creating these dog playgrounds, his heart is truly into his pets.
Our dog parks are custom designed by Jon, he can incorporate a variety of composite structures for climbing, obstacles to run through and/or around and even some for specific training purposes. I specifically remember the dog training facility Jon design for a law enforcement facility; it was his masterstroke of dog parks.
Are you looking to build a dog park or a dog training facility in the Charlotte area? We can help; just give us a call for a consultation. It will be fun, especially for Jon!
Safety Starts w/ Stability!
Kurt Karriker
Creative Playscapes