Charlotte Natural Playgrounds


Natural playgrounds in Charlotte, NC provide a lot more for children than what most people may realize.  Their natural appearance is not only eye catching and engaging, but also promotes an environmentally friendly area for kids to play and learn.  The opportunity to use different real world elements to play and climb around on has actually proved that kids want to play more and use more of their imagination then they do with the traditional metal and plastic playgrounds that are full of color.

The possibilities of Natural Playgrounds are almost limitless. We use a variety of on-site aspects when Jon designs the natural playground, from parts of cool trees lying around for kids to climb and explore on, stumps we man make safe to climb on, or create a natural table tea parties.  Rocks are an excellent avenue for kids to play and be active, we can incorporate specific rocks designed to generate interest and activity to most natural playgrounds Jon designs.  We have used rocks where kids could pretend they are mountain climbing and numerous other imaginative adventures.  You just never know what kind of journey a kid’s imagination will take them to on a Natural Playground.

Natural Playgrounds encourage children to explore, pretend and be adventurous, thus gaining motor skills while on their adventures without even realizing it.  We have designed and built numerous natural playgrounds in and around the Charlotte Metro for schools, churches and Home Owner Associations, click here to see examples of our work


Safety Starts w/ Stability!

Kurt Karriker
Creative Playscapes

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